PPG – Parent Partnership Group

Parent Partnership Group – PPG


Who are we?

Chairs: Cheryl Henderson & Lyndsey-Anne Prue

Treasurer: Wendy Harris

Secretary: Arlene Cheyne


Useful Links

– Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rothienorman-Primary-School-Parent-Partner-Group/426615037422194

If you would like further information or to contact the PPG then please email rothienorman.sch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.

Our Parent Council Constitution: Constitution as at September 2017




HT Report May 2024 PPG Minute May 2024 PPG Update – May 2024

HT Report Jan 2024 PPG Minute January 2024

HT Report Nov 2023 PPG Minute November 2023

HT Report Sept 2023 PPG AGM Meeting Minutes Sept 2023


HT Report May 2023  PPG Meeting Minutes 11.5.23

HT Report Jan 2023 PPG Meeting Minutes 16.1.23

HT Report Nov 2022  Minutes November 2022

HT Report Oct 2022   PPGMeetingMinutesOctober2022

HT Report Sept 2022    PPG AGM Meeting Minutes sept 22 Chairperson report PPG AGM September 2022



HT Report May 2022  PPG Meeting Minutes 19.5.2022

HT Report March 2022  PPG Meeting Minutes 20.3.22 (002)

HT Report Feb 2022  PPG Meeting Minutes 3.2.22


Head Teacher report PPG 150419

Head Teacher report PPG 180219

PPG Minutes 21st January_2019

Head Teacher report PPG 210119

PPG Agenda 05-11-2018 (002) with JS notes

Head Teacher report PPG 051118

Head Teacher report PPG 011018

Head Teacher report PPG 030917

PPG Minutes 3rd September_2018


Coffee morning dates

PPG Minutes 3rd September_2018

Head Teacher report PPG 030917

Head Teacher report PPG 011018

Head Teacher report PPG 051118

PPG Agenda 05-11-2018 (002) with JS notes

Head Teacher report PPG 210119

PPG Minutes 21st January_2019

Head Teacher report PPG 180219

Head Teacher report PPG 150419