Welcome to Rothienorman Primary School and Nursery

The Village of Rothienorman is settled in an attractive rural location eleven miles north-west of Inverurie and 12 miles south-west of Turriff.

Rothienorman Primary School has seven classes in the main school with two full time and 4 part time Pupil Support Assistants (PSA) and two part time administrators. One of our PSAs is also employed as a Family Link Worker (FLW) to support children and families and provide necessary support whenever it is needed. We are lucky to have space and facilities to have a dedicated class sized space for when the FLW is working with groups of children. This resource is paid for through the school’s PEF (Pupil Equity Fund) allocation. We do not have visiting specialist teachers but instead we have two part time members of staff who deliver specialism subjects to other classes. The school works closely with a range of other support agencies and volunteers to provide the best possible experience for children with additional support needs. Rothienorman School is part of the Meldrum Community Schools’ Network and works closely with the other 12 schools in the Network. More information on the school’s staff can be found in the ‘Our School’ tab.

In our nursery we currently have two groups of children who attend a mixture of 5 morning and afternoon sessions a week. We have recently appointed a new Early Years Senior Practitioner (EYSP) who will lead the nursery alongside two part time Early Years Lead Practitioners (EYLP). We have a full time and one part time Early Years Practitioners (EYP). The Headteacher is non class committed.

HMIe last inspected the school in November 2011 and our Nursery in May 2022. We have an active Parent Partnership Group (PPG) which organises a variety of social and fundraising events throughout the year to support our resources and experiences in school. Over the last 18 months, we have worked closely together and managed to secure three different grants to support our improvements to our technology in all classrooms and our play equipment for classes and playtimes.

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Head Teacher

Mrs Michelle Strachan


Station Road
AB51 8YE


01651 267415



Important Links

Kooth – Guide for Parents

School Catering Services

Financial Assistance

School Closures

Term Dates

British Sign Language (Be aware that some signs may be different from Scottish ones)

Aberdeenshire Educational Psychology Service Nurture Leaflets

School Opening Times

Primary School

  • Start Time – 9.00am
  • Finishing Time – 3.15pm

Nursery: Morning Sessions

  • Start Time – 8.00am
  • Finishing Time – 1:00pm

Nursery: Afternoon Sessions

  • Start Time – 1.00pm
  • Finishing Time – 6.00pm